SemacV14.dll is developed on the Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 and is intended to support development tools such as C#, VB.Net, and J# that are also based on .Net. However, developers using other development tools like Delphi, VB, or C++ may require additional information to correctly call the dll file based on .Net.
TThe SOMAC SDK uses the TCP/IP protocol to transmit data, with the computer on which the SDK is running serving as the TCP server and all terminals (SEMAC or WEBPASS) acting as the TCP clients. The terminals will automatically connect to the SDK running on a PC, and as a result, the server PC, acting as a TCP server, must activate TCP listening on a specific port. Once a TCP connection request arrives, the SDK will accept it and keep the session alive. The SDK user guide is presented in C# language, based on Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. Additionally, the SDK utilizes multi-threaded technology, which means that data entries returned from terminals are not generated by the main thread (i.e., not the UI thread). Therefore, to display the returned data entries on the user interface (UI), the use of "delegate" is necessary. For more information, please refer to the demo program.
- Issue Date:Ocotober, 2016
- SDK File name:SemacV14.dll
- SDK Version:
- Product Coverage:SEMAC 、WebPass、BF W、FA1